love'n life

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Really lousy at keeping my blog up to date. Been so busy with
We did manage to go hiking one day. This is just a few of the pictures we took. This hike is called Maunawili Falls. It was about a mile and a half up the mountain. This is mainly a local area and not many people other than locals actually hike it.

It has all kinds of little ponds and waterfalls. Most of them have signs posted that tell you not to get in the water because of contamination. At the top you can get in and not worry about catching anything or having your skin ate off.
Ha! Ha!

Kenny and I and Kristin all did the jumping off the cliff thing. It was fun !!!!! The water was cold but felt good after the hike up. It rained on us on the way down so we stayed cool the whole hike. The rain made the trail very slippery. I never did fall but slid a few times. Thought I was going down a couple of times.

If my family happens to make it out here one of these days we plan on taking them on this hike because it is something you don't see every day out here.


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