love'n life

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ok.....have to write something about this because it is really bothering me. I love NFL Football. My favorite team is the Dallas Cowboys. This last Sunday the Cowboys played the Titans. (Tennesse) Cowboys won 45-14.

During this game, I was totally shocked as Haynesworth, a Titan player, stomped on the helmet of Gurode, a Cowboys player. He stomped so hard on Gurode's helmet that it came off. Then Haynesworth continued to stomp on his head cutting his face up with his cleats!

Gurode had to have something like 30 stitches in his face and probably will have to have plastic surgery all because Haynesworth has a temper problem.

The league suspended Haynesworth for 5 games. He also gets no pay while on suspension. They believe this is sufficient enough for his actions. I on the other hand believe that this guy...Haynesworth....should be kicked out of the league and sent to anger management. This is not the first time he has showed his anger is uncontrollable. He should be taken off the field permanately.


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